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John joined CURE Malawi in 2017 as a maintenance team member. His dedication to his work is unwavering, and his resolve to follow Christ in all he does is strong. Despite the odd hours that his job requires, John keeps his focus on God and completes his duties with this focus in mind. This discipline is a step toward being more Christlike, on the of CURE core values.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought many challenges to CURE Malawi and its staff. As the hospital resumes to full capacity, it is paramount that our facilities run smoothly. John has been instrumental in getting the hospital ready for our patients. He works hard to make sure that the hospital is always in working order to serve children and their families when they arrive for surgery and check-ups.

Before John starts his day, he attends morning devotions and prayer meetings. John always makes sure to spend time with one or two coworkers and caretakers each day before he begins his duties. He starts his day with God and showing love to those around him. “My desire is to walk in love. Showing kindness to my co-workers and those around me. I have come to learn so much about being like Christ when I stop and learn to recognize people’s pain and be the one that offers help to those who need it,” John said. John believes in serving others with compassion because serving others physically, spiritually, and emotionally gives him a greater sense of purpose and shows Jesus’ character through him.

As Jesus humbled himself to come to Earth to show the way and give life in abundance, John’s humbleness has been manifested during his services at CURE Malawi. Being humble, according to John, is to put away selfish ambition and focus on the needs of other people around you. Putting other people at a higher priority than yourself can be very challenging but very rewarding and demonstrates the value of being Christlike.

God’s heart in John’s life is evident. His heart is focused on serving the Lord by serving others. “Through the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000, I am encouraged that God can provide for our needs, and I can also provide for the needs of others. Even if we have little money in our pocket, we can still use it to save others,” John proclaimed.

John’s demonstration of being Christlike at CURE Malawi has inspired many of his co-workers. “I am so grateful to be part of this the mission where we work to proclaim the kingdom of God and heal the children,” said John. We are grateful to serve God each day with people like John and strive to be more Christlike in our daily activities.

John working hard at his duties at CURE Malawi.

Contact Us

CURE Malawi’s mission is to provide every child living with a treatable disability the physical, emotional, and spiritual care they need to heal. If you have questions about becoming a patient or a partner with CURE, please contact us.

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